Sunday, March 24, 2013

Strength in numbers : The Benefits of a Workout Buddy

Hey Guys, I'm still trying to get the other posts that were lost up here! Bear with me school is busting my ass. Anyway here is today's post you should already know from the title were highlighting the benefits of having a workout buddy !
Think of a time where in school you had to complete something in school except you had no idea what was going on in the class , the first thing you try to do is find help from someone in the class you think has a pretty good idea of whats going on , right ?? Im assuming everyone's nodding in confirmation :) ..... Well that's the same concept i want you to embrace concerning workout partners. Find someone you can confide in, not necessarily about the boy you're attempting to bag, or the one broad you cant stand, or how good the sex was last night, but about weight loss and diet goals, and your strengths and weaknesses. Your workout buddy should your complement ! They should be strong in areas where you are weakest and in return you should strive to be a great W.B also. The fact that you have someone who needs you to be strong for them also is what will motivate you to do better for yourself and in no time you'll be well on your way to being dedicated to your workout and diet regime. One other big plus of having a W.B is healthy competition. No matter what everyone says despite the fact that you're working together you'll ultimately want to maintain your edge or catch up and pass 'em ! admit it !
So go ahead guys find someone that you're comfortable with and create a partnership ! create a schedule, set goals , make life adjustments together, and watch your body change !

Ps. Remember There is strength in numbers so dont limit yourself to just one , if you would like to make it a group effort that is fine too whatever works for you, just keep in mind that to big of a group will not be as personal and will end up being the same as going to the gym with familiar people. I would suggest 5 or less to keep it personal. Have fun :)

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