Friday, March 8, 2013

March Squat Challenge

Hey Guys! Below is the squat challenge calendar for March. For all my tweet-Hearts you make reference to this by hash tagging #TiaSquats. Now before I give you my blessing you know I have to give background information and technique guidelines.A squat for those who may not know is a position in which knees are bent and heels are close to or touching buttocks 
or the back of thighs. Squats are more commonly associated with lower body muscle 
building but in fact it does help with upper body muscle building. Squats done correctly can improve thigh, calf, buttocks,  and, lower abdomen muscles. Some people with knee injuries usually shy away from this form or Exercise but statistics have shown that squats done correctly can improve knee injuries. With that being said YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE NOT TO PARTICIPATE! There are different types of squats that can be done here are four or my favorites! 

Links are attached as instructions 

Remember to always warm up before doing any strenuous physical activity. And stay hydrated also NEVER workout if you have not eaten anything ! 

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